What does it mean to be educated? Who can we learn from? How can we use people in our community as resources, and have fun doing it?
CMA teen interns worked with Portland-based visiting Artist Rozzell Medina, whose project Public Social University is a forum for idea and skill sharing. The interns selected artists, experts and academics, who came to CMA to lead 10-minute presentations, lectures, lessons, discussions and activities on a topic that they are passionate about. On the day of the event interns played host to a crowd of 150 drop-in visitors on the museum’s free admission Sunday.
Visitors were treated to tango lessons, a remote control movie monster demonstration, a tea tutorial, creative writing workshop, and origami and hair styling activities in our galleries. So many unexpected things were shared and learned.
CMA teen interns will be producing more free community events, called Social Sundays utilizing the creativity of different artists and collaborators on the third Sunday in February, March, and April. Congratulations to our interns on a successful, fun event that the whole community could participate in. Come check out the next Social Sunday @ CMA on February 17, 2013 from 1:00 PM-3:00 PM.
For more information about CMA teen programs please contact Kristin Lantz, School Programs Coordinator at kristin.lantz@cmaohio.org
Art Speaks. Join the Conversation.
Kristin Lantz, School Programs Coordinator