Connector Series and Creative Community at Columbus Museum of Art

If you happen to wander into CMA on the second Saturday of any month, you will be greeted with a surprising and participatory experience called the Connector Series. What is this “Connector Series,” you ask?

Here’s the short answer: Connector Series is a visiting artist program which takes place the second Saturday of every month from 1:00 – 4:00pm. However, that really does very little to describe what this program is all about.

  • Connector Series is participatory, so visitors get to join in on the fun and creativity.
  • Each Connector Series event looks really different from the last because each artist is so different.
  • The artists don’t even have to be artists.

What’s that you say? A visiting artist program with artists who aren’t artists? Have you lost your minds!? No. Well, maybe but that is beside the point. Now, don’t get me wrong, all of our Connector Series artists are doing some really cool, creative work. We just have an incredibly broad definition of the word “artist.”

Take Mark Gunderson, also known as DJ TradeMark G, who invents musical instruments using new technology like the Nintendo Wii or Xbox Kinect. Visitors loved trying out his Wii Pillowfight creation and Kinect turntable. Or Zach Baird, a local comedian who uses the label of comedian about as loosely as we use the label of artist. Zach spent a day playing old fashioned parlor games in the galleries with visitors. I don’t know what was going on in parlors in the early 1900s, but it was weird. CMA visitors had a blast.
With such a broad definition, how do we decide who makes the cut? Well, we have a pretty different set of criteria than you might expect.

  1. Are you a creative thinker and doer?
  2. Are you willing to collaborate?
  3. Are you excited to try something new, outside of your comfort zone?
  4. Are you curious, always exploring new ideas?
  5. Are you comfortable with other human beings in a participatory environment?

If you fit all of these criteria, chances are that you would make an excellent Connector Series artist. You don’t necessarily have to make participatory artwork, or even be an artist. In fact, I’m very excited for our January Connector Series, featuring Dungeon Master Rob Kepner, who will share his passion for Dungeons & Dragons (a popular role-playing game) by working with CMA visitors to create their own stories. Rob would never call himself an artist, in fact he’s an engineer, but in many ways he is the perfect candidate. He’s creative, excited to try something new, and willing to share what he loves to do creatively with others.

Do you know someone who might fit the bill? Tell us! Email Jeff Sims ( or Susie Underwood ( with details.

And if you still don’t know what I’m talking about, why don’t you just stop by next month, November 8, to see Kat Marie Moya, local tattoo artist, and so much more.

Check the calendar for upcoming artists.




