Blog: Creativity
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A lot of people tense up when they hear the “p” word, but poetry is just another way to play with words, sounds, images, and ideas. At Columbus Museum of Art we have a special tour called Art and the Language of Poetry. We love to help people who may…
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During this time of social distancing, we want to remind our members that we are all in this together. Throughout the museum closure we will be bringing you interviews with fellow members to share inspiration, thoughts on creative outlets, and to help stay connected. Please don’t hesitate to reach out…
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Each month we will explore a new theme and invite you to create along from home with four weekly challenges based off of the BIG IDEA. You don’t need an Open Studio, rather use recycled materials, your phone's camera or pencil and paper. This month we're exploring Maps and Data.…
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Art museums may be closed right now due to the coronavirus, but there are still ways to engage with art. We could all use a bit of light right now. So while you are homebound, inspired by the Getty, we challenge you to recreate famous art from museums using…
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Think of a time when you felt creative. What did it feel like, sound like? What were you doing? What were others doing? Close your eyes and spend a minute reliving that experience of creativity. Now, imagine that you could experience that daily – at work, school, home – and…
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