Blog: Musings from the Center for Creativity
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The Wonder Room is a one-of-a-kind gallery designed to foster imagination, experimentation, and storytelling in visitors of all ages. It encapsulates CMA’s values of creativity, experience, and relationships. Works of art are displayed in unexpected ways, and custom, hands-on activities are featured prominently near great works of art. Leading up to…
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One day this year, millions of people paused from their daily routine to experience wonder. On August 21, 2017 people from all over the country went outside, looked at the sky, and gasped. If you were one of the millions who donned special glasses and rejoiced at the movement of…
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Aniya Anderson-Wilson is one of the newest teen mentors at Columbus Museum of Art, and is also an alum of the Surge teen program, a citywide free drop-in program designed for teens to experiment with technology, and hang out with other young creatives. Aniya is an artist and illustrator, and…
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If you visited the Columbus Museum of Art on a certain Sunday last December or April, you might have stumbled upon a gigantic, quilted heart into which you were invited to pose a question to your soul. Or you may have been ushered into a translucent dome representing the social…
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The Columbus Museum of Art defines creativity as “the process of using critical thinking and imagination to generate new ideas that have value.” A fairly straightforward definition, as most would agree, for a far more complex word. And no not complicated in structure or in practice, but in individual meaning.…
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Andre Williams has been coming to the museum since 2014. He started coming because he heard there was a free music studio available at Teen Open Studio. In 2016 when he turned 20 he was brought on as official staff and became a Mentor. Pretty quickly Andre also joined the…
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