

Art Museum Day

May 19, 2019
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

For the tenth year, Columbus Museum of Art will join the Association of Art Museum Directors (AAMD) and hundreds of institutions across North America in celebrating Art Museum Day. This year, free general admission at CMA and Pizzuti Collection of CMA recognizes the arts and the important role that art museums play in their communities. Visit both our locations and share your Art Museum Day experiences via social media, with the hashtag #ArtMuseumDay. AAMD’s Art Museum Day is an opportunity to focus attention on the role of art museums. The initiative is an extension of the International Council of Museums’s (ICOM) International Museum Day, a global program embracing all different types of museums. Last year, CMAalong with more than 150 other AAMD member museums of varying sizes across the United States, Canada, and Mexico—participated in Art Museum Day. A comprehensive list of participating AAMD member art museums will be available on the AAMD website. While AAMD’s Art Museum Day and ICOM’s International Museum Day is held each year on May 18, CMA and Pizzuti Collection of CMA will be celebrating Art Museum Day on May 19.
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