

Columbus Premiere of Malcolm Cochran’s Requiem

October 16, 2022
2:00–4:00 PM

Location: Rock of Faith Baptist Church, 1667 East Main Street

Malcolm Cochran’s Requiem—the artist’s first sculptural installation to incorporate live music—will be presented this fall at Rock of Faith Baptist Church. The work offers a memorial to victims of genocide, massacres, and warfare, and to persons who have suffered from social and economic injustice and exploitation.

Requiem merges the mundane and discarded—used refrigerators repurposed as coffin-like sculptures—with live and recorded performances of ancient, classical, and contemporary a cappella songs without words performed by eight female vocalists, joined by members of the former church choir.

Requiem is free and open to the public on five consecutive Sundays this fall. Programs begin at 2:00 PM with doors opening at 1:30 PM, no registration is required.

Watch a video preview of the installation here.

Requiem Schedule
September 25: live vocal performance with opening remarks by artist Malcolm Cochran, reception
October 2: recorded vocal performance and a speaker on Genocide
October 9: live vocal performance and panel discussion on Remembrance & Reckoning
October 16: recorded vocal performance and panel discussion on Rebirth
October 23: live vocal performance with closing remarks by artist Malcolm Cochran
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