

Columbus Printed Arts Center Art Book Fair at the Pizzuti Collection of CMA

May 13, 2023
10:00 AM–6:00 PM

Location: Columbus Museum of Art at The Pizzuti

Enjoy free admission to the Pizzuti Collection of CMA this weekend as the Columbus Printed Arts Center presents their first art book fair.

Columbus Printed Arts Center presents our first art book fair, an annual event to be affiliated with the organization. Our mission is to provide an expansive and equitable platform for local, regional, and national producers and distributors of artist books, zines, print editions, and more in Columbus, Ohio. In addition to the vendor fair, the event will include readings and experimental performances to explore the role of printed matter within interdisciplinary practices. As an organization dedicated to community-based programming, the Columbus Art Book Fair will serve as a conduit for collaborations with artists and institutions. We see this event as a platform to bridge communities by mining the multidisciplinary potentials of printed matter and artist publications.

With the generous support of the Greater Columbus Arts Council, and partnerships with the Columbus Museum of Art and Wexner Center for the Arts, we are excited to welcome 47 exhibitors from 14 states, Italy, and The Netherlands. The selected vendors represent a broad scope of makers and publishers from across the country with a focus on Central Ohio’s vibrant community of artist book producers. Vendor tables will be situated throughout all three levels of the building with displays and performances occurring amongst the two current exhibitions on view at The Pizzuti Collection of the CMA; The Greater Columbus Arts Council Visual Arts Award Exhibition featuring local artists Hannah Parrett, Benedict Scheuer, Matelli Graves, Roger Beebe, George Rush, and Joshua Penrose and Was It Your Trigger Finger? featuring works by Bobby T. Luck. On View Now At Pizzuti Collection of CMA
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