Dangerous Women Panel

May 18, 2017
5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

In conjunction with the exhibition A Dangerous Woman: Subversion and Surrealism in the Art of Honoré Sharrer, CMA is partnering with community members and organizations to host a panel to explore the issues impacting women today. What does it mean to be a dangerous woman in the 21st century? Panelists will answer this question from different perspectives as they talk about dangerous women who have influenced their personal experiences and perspectives; risk taking and how it impacts personal, professional, and social relationships; and shifting ideas about women and their role in contemporary American society. Panelists include Senator Charleta B. Tavares; Photographer and Artist Staley Munroe; Sonia BasSheva Manjon, PhD. Director of Barnett Center, Associate Professor Art Admin, Education and Policy; and Heather Whaling, Founder/President of Geben Communication. Moderated by Marcy Fleisher, Founder, Team Fleisher Communications, with a State of Progress report by Nichole Dunn, President and CEO, Women’s Fund of Central Ohio. Starting at 5:30, enjoy an informal reception in Huntington Atrium; from 6:00 – 6:30 pm join a tour of the A Dangerous Woman exhibition and at 7:00 pm, hear Dangerous Women in Cardinal Health Auditorium. Cost of this program is $20 for nonmembers (includes general and special exhibition admission) and $10 for CMA members.


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