

Member Appreciation Week: YOU + ME

February 14, 2023
10:00 AM–5:00 PM

Location: CMA

Will You Be Our Valentine?
At CMA we ❤ our members because they make the magic of the museum possible. Cupid has struck us and we're celebrating our members all week long. As a valued member of our Museum community, enjoy a week of super sweet perks and discounts!

All Week, February 14–19
Get 20% off in the Museum Store and $10 off any gift membership*
*Offer applies to Individual, Family, and Reciprocal memberships only. Other discounts do not apply. Offer must be redeemed at the CMA Welcome Desk.

Tuesday, February 14
“YOU + ME”
Love is the greatest gift of all. What better way to share it than with a CMA membership? Give the gift of membership during Member Appreciation Week and enjoy $10 off a gift membership at the Individual, Family, or Reciprocal level. Tuesday is extra sweet with gift memberships receiving a $15 discount*!
*Offer applies to Individual, Family, and Reciprocal memberships only. Other discounts do not apply. Offer must be redeemed at the CMA Welcome Desk.

For any questions about Member Appreciation Week please reach out to or call 614.629.0344 Member Appreciation Week
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