

Open Studio with Anthony Peyton Young, current Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson Artist Resident

November 19, 2022
11:00 AM–2:00 PM

Location: CMA

Open Studio at CMA engages creative thinking through material exploration with local community partner, Ohio Alliance for Arts Education (OAAE). Open Studio encourages visitors to think and make like artists. Individuals of all ages are welcome to step into the Studio to explore and experiment with our wide range of materials and supplies.

Work alongside Anthony Peyton Young, current Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson Artist Resident, for a printmaking Studio engagement from 11:00 AM–2:00 PM.

November Theme: Into the Woods
Jump into fall this November in the Studio with our theme Into the Woods. Celebrate the changing of the seasons by creating woodland creatures and household fall decorations. The Studio also has a cornucopia of a supply closet. Visitors are welcome to forge from these supplies and create something from their imagination.

Open Studio is open every Saturday from 11:00 AM–2:00 PM and is included with admission to the Museum. All Studio Activities
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