

Public Opening of Sarah Rosalena: In All Directions

September 9, 2023
10:00 AM–5:00 PM

Location: Columbus Museum of Art at The Pizzuti

This exhibition opening is at:
Columbus Museum of Art at The Pizzuti
632 Park Street in the Short North

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The Columbus Museum of Art is pleased to present Sarah Rosalena: In All Directions, on view at The Pizzuti September 9, 2023—February 4, 2024. Known for fusing Indigenous craft traditions with emerging technologies, Los Angeles-based artist Sarah Rosalena (b. 1982) produces objects that break boundaries and borders, transcending colonial narratives. The exhibition features more than 35 works that date from 2019 and is centered around Rosalena’s investigation of scholarly and corporate dreams of space exploration and colonization. The title, In All Directions, represents the boundlessness of the universe and signals the irrelevance of compass points in a space beyond measurement.

This exhibition is the culmination of a multi-year collaboration with The Ohio State University Department of History of Art.

Please note—street parking is available in addition to the Joseph Garage, located on E. Russell St.

For additional information about Columbus Museum of Art at The Pizzuti, including hours and admission costs, click below.

The Pizzuti

Sarah Rosalena. Photo by Star Montana

Sarah Rosalena, Dissolve (detail), 2023. Cotton, hand-dyed acrylic yarn, image source Andromeda Galaxy. Courtesy of the artist, photo by Ruben Diaz

Event image: Sarah Rosalena, Transposing A Form, 2020. Ceramic 3D print of MMS-2 Enhanced Mars Simulant, bentonite clay, aluminum-based glaze. Courtesy of Blum & Poe, Los Angeles/New York/Tokyo, photo by Jenalee Harmon
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