

Think Like an Artist Thursdays

March 16, 2017
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

CMA values the role artists play to imagine, question, connect, and explore. Now it’s your turn to think like an artist and experience the Museum in a new way. At 7:00 PM take a special tour of Bodies@ Work: The Art of Ruben and Isabel Toledo with Curator Sarah J. Rogers, and artists Larissa Boiwka and Esther Hall. Larissa Boiwka is an artist and corsetière and her fashion label Wilde Hunt Corsetry attracts clients from across the globe. She is also well known as a teacher of bead embroidery, historic hand embroidery, jewelry making techniques and fashion design. Esther Hall is a fiber artist, fashion designer and an entrepreneur who owns Yarn it & Haberdashery, a store that supports the fiber community through unique selection of materials and tools. Cost of the program for nonmembers is included with pay what you want admission and FREE for members.
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